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18 July 2024

Paperless pilot: Important news for Edinburgh and Glasgow Donor Centres

We are trialing a new way of contacting you when it is time to give your next donation.

04 July 2024

Ayrshire donors - look out for Alex's banner!

A kind-hearted farmer has put on a barnstorming display to make sure everyone gives blood this summer.

Changes to Aberdeen Donor Centre opening hours

David Mackenzie, who recently gave his 300th donation at Inverness blood donor centre shares his thoughts on his milestone donation.

Patrick Smith gave blood for the first time on his 17th birthday, and continued to give blood regularly even after moving across the country to study chemical engineering at Edinburgh University. He was passionate about blood donation, and strongly encouraged his friends and family to follow in his footsteps.

01 January 2020

Happy new year 2020

Thank you for giving blood in 2019. You're a lifesaver - keep up the good work in 2020!

Zoe Stewart and Paddy Kelly were delighted to find out they were expecting twins. However, their delight changed to worry when Willow and Niamh arrived more than three months early and needed blood transfusions to survive.

Last year we met 'Little Lion Man' Iain Norrie for the first time, as his mum thanked blood donors for saving his life. This year he wanted to say thank you himself.

Cough, splutter, sniff - it’s about to go viral.

23 September 2019

Living with sickle cell

How blood transfusion saves lives in sickle cell disorder.

Current blood stock levels across Scotland Saturday 27 July

We aim to retain 6 days of stocks at any time in order to meet the requirements of patients in Scotland.

Learn more about blood types