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18 July 2024

Paperless pilot: Important news for Edinburgh and Glasgow Donor Centres

We are trialing a new way of contacting you when it is time to give your next donation.

04 July 2024

Ayrshire donors - look out for Alex's banner!

A kind-hearted farmer has put on a barnstorming display to make sure everyone gives blood this summer.

Clinical trials of Convalescent Plasma trials have reached completion.

A worldwide search helps one Scottish blood donor reach 100 donations.

Douglas Horne from Westhill in Aberdeen recently received his 500th donation award and recalls why started giving blood in 1968.

This Christmas Rico wants to thank the blood donors who help him live a healthy life despite having stage 4 chronic kidney disease.

This Christmas, Kevin wants to thank blood donors who helped him survive when his kidney transplant was rejected - and helped him recover when he was given a new one.

This Christmas, Pam is thanking the blood donors who have helped her battle cancer and repeated treatments of chemotherapy.

This Christmas, Marie wants to thank the blood donors who helped her survive the traumatic birth of her first child - in the middle of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Changes to the questions asked of blood donors will ensure more gay and bisexual men are able to donate blood in the future.

Current blood stock levels across Scotland Saturday 27 July

We aim to retain 6 days of stocks at any time in order to meet the requirements of patients in Scotland.

Learn more about blood types