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18 July 2024

Paperless pilot: Important news for Edinburgh and Glasgow Donor Centres

We are trialing a new way of contacting you when it is time to give your next donation.

04 July 2024

Ayrshire donors - look out for Alex's banner!

A kind-hearted farmer has put on a barnstorming display to make sure everyone gives blood this summer.

Following a guidance update from the Scottish Government, from the 16th of May donors attending sessions will no longer be advised to wear a Fluid Resistant Surgical Mask (FRSM) or face covering.

17 April 2023

Mr and Mrs

Dawn and Steven Hirons made their tenth donation together at Dundee Blood Donor Centre.

Granite City Rollers attend Aberdeen Donor Centre.

Hospitals in Scotland are currently well stocked, but please make an extra special effort to keep your blood donation appointment.

13 March 2023


School friends reunite to give blood

The squad hit off season with a fixture at Raigmore Hospital Blood Donor Centre

Register with DKMS to become a stem cell donor.

Register for our annual conference, Scotblood.

Current blood stock levels across Scotland Saturday 27 July

We aim to retain 6 days of stocks at any time in order to meet the requirements of patients in Scotland.

Learn more about blood types