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30 January 2025

Great to be back in Craigmount High School


We've been delighted to return to schools recently for our blood donation sessions. Students and staff...we've really missed you!

This week our Edinburgh Team collected donations at Craigmount High School. The school allowed us to take over their library for the day and welcome loads of new donors. We'd like to give a huge thanks to the 48 donors who attended, most of whom were there for their #1stDonation and eligible now they have turned 17.

Since 2011, Craigmount have given hundreds of donations with the school's last session was held in 2020. In 2013 the school was awarded an honour from Teapot Trust for their amazing support of blood donation. And the beautiful teapot still has pride of place in the school's award cabinet! 

Bob Lawrie and a Craigmount student receiving the Teapot Trust award in 2013.

If you've turned 17 and haven't given your first donation yet, we'd love to welcome you to a session near you. Come along with a family member who already gives blood, or get a group of pals together and all book in. You will be very well looked after and we have great post donation snacks! 

  • Interested in giving blood? Contact us online or give us a ring on 0345 90 90 999 (Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm)

Current blood stock levels across Scotland Tuesday 11 February

We aim to retain 6 days of stocks at any time in order to meet the requirements of patients in Scotland.

Learn more about blood types