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14 December 2017

Ridley's story


Mum Emily tells us about her son Ridley and the blood transfusions that keep him alive.

"Ridley has a condition called Hereditary Spherocytosis, which means his blood cells are sphere shaped instead of the normal shape, and his spleen destroys them thinking that they are faulty cells. This means that his blood count drops to the point of needing a blood transfusion. He's been a little star through the whole thing and back in July was fitted with a portacath (an implanted device for patients who need frequent blood transfusions) to make things easier for him.

Ridley with Mum and Dad, his twin Yannick, and little brother Thorin, dressed up warm for  a wintry walk
Ridley, in his rainbow jumper, with Mum and Dad, his twin Yannick, and little brother Thorin.

"He had his first blood transfusion at ten days old and has been receiving them regularly ever since. I really can't thank the blood donors enough. I owe everything to them and wish I could thank them all personally.

I owe everything to blood donors, and wish I could thank them all personally. Emily

"Ridley's little brother Thorin has the same condition, but his blood is fantastic and he's not needed any more transfusions since the one he received when he was a baby. Ridley also has a twin brother called Yannik, but he's not affected by the blood condition - there's a 50/50 chance of it passing on to each child and Yannik was lucky enough to not be affected.

"Ridley is still receiving blood transfusions but is doing well in general. This time of year he spends a lot of time feeling under the weather with all the bugs going around, because they affect his blood count. I hope sharing Ridley’s story will encourage others to give blood, I know how important it is at this time of year."

Thank you Emily and family for sharing your stories with us this December. We hope you have a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year.

Current blood stock levels across Scotland Tuesday 22 October

We aim to retain 6 days of stocks at any time in order to meet the requirements of patients in Scotland.

Learn more about blood types