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13 December 2021

Kate's story


Kate suffered a massive postpartum haemorrhage after giving birth.

Her life was saved by 12 transfusions given by 12 different people across Scotland. Mike, who has Colitis, also received a lifesaving transfusion when he was just 18. 

She says, 'Eleven days after we welcomed our second daughter Abigail into the world, I suddenly suffered a severe and extremely painful secondary postpartum haemorrhage at home. My husband called 999 and I was blue lighted into hospital, quickly taken into theatre and put under general anaesthetic. As they wheeled me away, I told my husband to tell the girls I loved them.'

'We just want to say thank you to everyone who gives blood, in particular the people who gave blood for Mike when he was 18, and the twelve people who gave blood and blood products for me this year. There’s absolutely no doubt that without blood donors my children wouldn’t have a mother, and my husband wouldn’t have a wife.'

Mike continued, 'It's scary to think that if people didn’t take half an hour, 45 minutes out their day to give blood, we could be having a very different conversation.'

  • Book your appointment to give blood using our online donor account
  • Alternatively, call us on 0345 90 90 999 (9am-5pm, Monday to Friday)

Current blood stock levels across Scotland Tuesday 11 February

We aim to retain 6 days of stocks at any time in order to meet the requirements of patients in Scotland.

Learn more about blood types